Completion of the Cyber-pi project

On 11/5/2023, the two partners InnoSec and Tessera multimedia successfully completed the project “Cyber-pi – Intelligent cyber threat detection and privacy protection system”, funded by the “RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE” programme. The two companies developed, Cyber-pi, targeted at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that have a requirement to protect especially their personal data and infrastructure from cyber-attacks.


  • Provides organisations with an effective and affordable mechanism to monitor privacy breaches.
  • Increases the level of awareness of the organisations it supervises through the updates and alerts it produces, significantly reducing data disclosure attacks attributable to employees in the medium term.
  • It effectively leverages cyber intelligence resources by intelligently adapting them to the specific characteristics of each organisation.

The consortium has managed to publicise and promote research and innovation through the research outputs produced by the project. It published a total of six original papers in international journals and prestigious conferences in the area of cybersecurity. In addition, he presented the characteristics of cyber-pi in major workshops and exhibitions in Greece involving SMEs and public sector entities.

In addition, the two partners, through the business plan they have developed, are preparing for the commercial exploitation of the final product of Cyber-pi, initially in the local market of SMEs and public sector organisations and then in the European market, thus increasing their competitiveness and internationalisation.